Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 10: And, We're Off!

I woke up this morning with the worst sore throat. All I could think of was oh no! The juice at breakfast burned my throat. With everyone's concern about the flu back in the States my mom decided I should head to the ship's clinic. The nurse in the clinic told me that the doctor wouldn't be in until 4:30 p.m. Lovely…

The excitement of having the ability to use my phone was still present. I was thrilled to be able to call people back home (even though I have been able to do that for the past few days). Even if we didn’t have much to say, I wanted to hear their voice. I scurried to get ready, ate my breakfast quickly so that I would have time to prepare for my classes and then use my phone. We still were not told when we would be taking off so I didn’t know how much time was available.

I've decided that I could live without all forms of social networking such as Facebook & Twitter. The hardest thing for me to live without for the next few weeks is my phone. Not being able to text or talk will be a challenge.

After my Digital Media class, I hurried back to my room to drop off my laptop so it could recharge for my next class while I ate lunch. On my way up to the dining hall, I ran into Lauren. We both happened to look out the window at the same time and realized...Crap! We are moving! We were planning on getting another phone conversation or two in with people back home before we took off. I didn't have time to dilly dally. Lunch is only available for a set amount of time so I had to hurry, eat my lunch, and get to my next class in about 45 minutes and still wanted to squeeze in a phone call. I was in luck! I ate my lunch super-fast and called my mom. She gave me her suggestions for getting healthy before I had to hang up and go take my anti-sea sickness medicine.

I think the ship's crew has to get a chuckle or two watching the students, faculty, Life Long Learners, and families try and walk around on the ship. Many of us look like we are a bit on the intoxicated side. It's a joke. 

I lost service during my Organizational Behavior class. Sad day. I was back to communicating via email to everyone. With this cold, I am back to taking naps multiple times a day. I had just gotten myself out of a routine of taking so many naps. Oh well, naps are always great!

So at 4:36pm I trotted into the clinic, filled out my paperwork, and saw the doc. He didn't think I had the flu (yay!), his strep test came back negative (yay!), so he decided I just had some old cold. He said that there is only one girl on the ship that has the flu and she had been quarantined. I think that’s impressive for a crowd of 700.

I met up with Lauren and Shelley for dinner. During dinner, Shelley decided to imitate a few of her favorite YouTube videos with another kid that sat with us. Shelley decided that she had a hankering for an ice cream cone after dinner. So we went up to the seventh deck, near the pool, so she could grab an ice cream cone. It took a lot of restraint for me to not get some ice cream. Purchasing food at that location on the seventh deck and at a snack bar in the Piano Lounge is additional charges. I'm trying to hold off as long as possible from purchasing something from those snack locations because I think once I start it will be a bad habit to kick! 

There was another Unreasonable at Sea presentation tonight. The eleven entrepreneurs on the ship gave their business pitches to the audience. As I understand it, they are on the ship to work to expand their business with the creativity of the people on board. They want to use their business to change the world. The business pitches ranged from helping teachers in India and Africa -- to providing better stoves to mothers and organizations in Morocco. The Nike Foundation had two representatives speak about their solution to ending poverty. They believe in the "girl effect”: the ability for girls to end poverty for themselves and the world. Anne Hathaway, Oprah, and even the Oregon Ducks have helped the organization with their mission. They are starting by creating a digital network and making the connection with girls (through a pen pal-type program). The time is now to end poverty and creativity is necessary to accomplish the goal. Stay tuned…

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