Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 3: Classes Already?

Last night we set our clocks back one hour. I think I can handle this gaining time thing; that's extra sleep! My first class: Nutrition Around the World. I was pretty excited about this class. I thought we would learn about food in other countries and the nutrition of other countries. Boy was I wrong. It seems like we will learn about nutrition just like the nutrition class I took at my home school. I could definitely be speaking too soon, hopefully I am.

After lunch, I went back to my room to have a nap. For some reason, it is really difficult to not take a nap on the ship. Next class: Diverse Cultures in Mass Communication. I'm really excited about this class. It sounds like we will learn about how media affects different cultures, genders, races, and classes. Specifically for the countries, such as Japan, we will be visiting. We also have to watch Disney movies to dissect and destroy the film. <Gulp! Biology all over again!> The movies will be aired on the television channels in our rooms on the ship. After class, I went off to the campus store on the ship. I had heard that the ship's sweatshirt supply was quickly selling out and that they would not be ordering any more for the duration of the voyage. If you know me and my love for a good sweatshirt, I decided I needed to take a look at their selection. And, of course I purchased one!

I returned to my room and went down the hall to see if Lauren and Shelley (Lauren's roommate) would want to go to dinner. Luckily, they were interested. Dinner on the ship is far different than dinner at home. Or any meal for that matter. At every meal, people grab their food and sit and socialize and enjoy their company for hours. At home, typically we grab our food, stuff it down our throats, and run off to the next activity. Slowly but surely I'm trying to get used to this meal time ritual. We don't, typically, have other activities to run off to do or partake in. I'm also starting to eat my meals slower.

Instead of having a website like we do at CU Boulder to log on to access our course materials, we have shared folders through the Intranet. Teachers have the ability to drop PowerPoint presentations, readings, or other course materials in the folders and students can access them at any time. Lauren and I figured out how to set up the shared/public folders after dinner on our laptops so that we could access them at anytime from anywhere on the ship.

Later on, we chose to attend a Explorer's Seminar. This seminar was about the oceans. We learned about the animals, mainly birds, which we may encounter on this portion of our voyage. We also learned about the wind patterns and the trash vortex in the ocean that we may pass through.

After the seminar, Lauren and I decided to go play games and talk with other passengers on the ship. A big game that night was Catch Phrase. That game went on for hours!

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