Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 14: Boy, It's Getting Bumpy!!

Location: Somewhere between the International Date Line and Japan.

Last night was the first night where I was really able to notice the roughness of the seas while I slept. I woke up in the middle of the night and panicked about my computer. We are told not to leave our computer on the floor of our room. They say that the vibrations of the ship may ruin the hard drives. My laptop was not on the floor, don't worry. Rather, it was on the little desk in our room, not the most stable of places. I  panicked because I could hear things in our room clanking and shifting around from the rocking of the ship and I thought maybe my laptop was going to leap to its demise. Luckily, it was just fine.

I have been continually taking Meclizine (the sea sickness candy) and wearing my sea bands. Sea bands are precious designer bracelets that are supposed to help with motion sickness. I don't understand the science behind the pressure points on these bracelets, but I'm a believer! At times, I only feel a little sea sick and then it goes away. At breakfast this morning, one of the crew members asked me how I was doing with the seas. I said I was doing okay. He said, "that's good. It will get better as soon as we get to Japan." Thank goodness!

My fancy designer sea band! NOT!

The announcements at lunch time included a warning to bunker down. The rocking of the ship is only going to get worse. We are hitting multiple different swells from storms around us. Everyone on the ship, it seems, had just got there sea legs back and were walking normal. Now that the ship is rocking so much people are having trouble walking again, myself included. Losing your balance and being thrown into walls is all a part of the fun. When the ship hits one of those swells, the whole ship rattles. I'd be curious to know, if you're reading this blog, what kind of weather do you get in the next week or so that would be the same storm.

After lunch, I was supposed to meet up with my group from my Diverse Cultures class. We had chosen to watch the movie Mulan for our Disney assignment. We have to dissect the film and pull out gender, race, class and other problematic situations or words in the film and present it. My group decided that we could just watch this in our rooms on our own time today and we would meet to discuss our presentation tomorrow. So I went and found Lauren and we watched Mulan together. Sans popcorn. We will probably watch Mulan six or seven times just like The Little Mermaid.

Tonight was taco night!! This is one of the most exciting things in the past few days. Eating salad, pasta, potatoes, rice, and steamed veggies for lunch and dinner everyday gets old pretty dang fast. So when taco night comes around (I hear only two or three times the entire semester) people get excited. They served hard shell tacos, rice, a bean pasta salad, lettuce, cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and salsa. It was delicious!

I've eaten my share of peanut butter sandwiches! Whew!

After a little bit of studying for my upcoming exams I went to the next Unreasonable "fireside" chat. Tonight's guests of honor were the Senior Design Manager and Creative Director of the Nike Foundation. I mentioned in a previous blog about their pen pal program. Another way they are reaching out to girls in third world countries is by creating a magazine. This magazine is run mainly by women and has information that expresses topics to girls that they may/may not otherwise learn about or have the opportunity to experience in their community. They are working to change the lives of girls through education, health, literacy, and self-confidence.


  1. Greetings from a fellow sea band wearer! May I suggest you pick up a bedazzler hey there's a new business idea I can do in Retirement. What the heck they work in a car on a plane on a train as Dr. Suess might say. In fact sometimes reading your blog I should be wearing them. Warm temps in Denver it actually sounded like Spring when Tuffy and I were coming into Canterbury I heard the birds singing away my first thought was OH NO its only Jan 25 and I still have to much to do before Spring! Gabby n Grady came by yesterday to pick up Tuffy n Grady stayed. He made 2 tours of the dining room looked out on the deck the curled up under my feet. Just as we headed for the front door to wait for the walking crew to return and soak up some sun in they popped.

    1. Sounds like a great business idea to me! They aren't the most attractive thing. The weather has been quite chilly in ports. I just saw the weather for Vietnam and it shows the highs in the mid-90s with lows in the high-70s. How cute! It is nice to hear about them!
