Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 5: Classes Again?

We have a stewardess, Hector, who cleans our room and bathroom. Seriously, royal treatment! Hector comes pretty early in the morning; let’s just say 9am, to clean our room. So on the days Hector comes, there is no time to sleep in.

I got up and went to the Piano Lounge to "attempt" to study. "Attempt" is the key word. Everyone was in the Piano Lounge, some people were "attempting" to study while others were talking and carrying on a conversation. Either way, it was difficult to try to focus on actually doing work.

I went to my Digital Media in an International Context class. I think I will find this class pretty interesting but we already have a paper due on B2 (January 14). These classes are going to speed along. Before we get off the ship in Japan, we will already have a round of midterms. I heard the other day that about the time we get off the ship in Japan, we will already be about a third of the way through the semester. Crazy!! It is hard to believe but we have classes every day we are at sea (whether it is the weekend or a holiday) minus study days (I believe we have three scattered the entire semester).

After my Digital Media class I went to the student store to get a lanyard. We are required to have an ID to get around on the ship. We need it to get on and off the ship as well as in and out of our room. If we lose this ID we have to pay $25 to get a new one. I decided investing in a lanyard was so worth it compared to paying that $25.

I attended my Organizational Behavior class, took a nap, and went to dinner. After dinner, we went to another Explorer Seminar. This seminar was called Hot, Wet, and Wild Hawaii's Volcanoes and the Critters that Love Them. It was a really interesting seminar. Now I want to see if we can visit a volcano while we are in Hawaii.

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