Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 15: Grampa, Get a Load of THIS!

Location: Nearing Japan.
We gained another hour of sleep last night. We are 17 hours ahead of Colorado time. It is quite confusing talking to people back home.
 After talking with other students on the ship I learned I was going to breakfast at the wrong time. Apparently, if you get to breakfast earlier the fruit is less picked over, there are more cereals to pick from, and there are actually appetizing pastries. Today, my alarm went off at 6:45. Yes, I too cannot believe that I am getting up at 6:45 am, especially for breakfast! I did snooze my alarm twice but I made it to breakfast shortly after 7:00 am. I actually had pineapples in my fruit and, believe it or not, they have muffins on the ship. My mom was right...the early bird does get the worm!!
While sitting at breakfast this morning, the Archbishop Desmund Tutu walked in and chose to sit at the table right next to me. Yep, that's right! {Are you reading this Grampa?!} The Arch is sailing around the world with us until we arrive in Cape Town, South Africa. We were told that he would like us to refer to him as Arch (or something else, but I forgot it). It is always a very exciting moment for most people on the ship when he walks into the room. Goal: before the Arch gets off the ship have a conversation with him; probably at breakfast, lunch, or dinner or pass him in the halls. I know he's also lecturing in some of the classes on ship. My mom's friend Laurie gave me a journal before I left on this journey. Her intent was for me to use it and "journal" my days but since I'm blogging, I decided it's a great place to capture other sacred tidbits. I'm thinking it's a great place to have him give me his autograph...unless I chicken out and decide that's a little nerdy! 
Desmond Tutu speaking to the Global Management class on board the ship.
The next two days are going to be rough ones. Between two group projects and three exams I'm going to be ready for Japan. My group met tonight to dissect our Disney movie and learned that our presentation had been postponed for a few weeks. Yay! We get more time to prepare for the presentation -- which leaves me with more time to prepare for these midterms. 
We started mapping out our time in Japan. We grabbed some maps and a few travel books and spread out on the floor in the library trying to understand the train systems. We only have two hours of Internet access for the entire semester. Those two hours include accessing the internet for class assignments, preparing for the fall semester and registering for classes when we return to our home school or any other reason. Most teachers are pretty understanding and don't require going on the internet for class. That means we have to get pretty creative with how we are going to plan our time in ports. I sent an email to my mom, looking for help. Thankfully, her friend Jackie, who is a travel agent, was able to short-cut our efforts. 
{Slightly off topic, but worth mentioning. As I'm sure you can guess, blogging from the ship has its challenges. I'm going to add some photos from Hawaii to Day 8. Go back and check them out, if you're so inclined.}
Tonight's Unreasonable at Sea "fireside" chat was with Daniel Epstein. Usually Daniel Epstein is the man doing the interviewing of the entrepreneurs on the ship. Tonight it was his turn to be interviewed. He has been featured in Inc. Magazine and in Forbes  as one of the 30 Most Impactful Entrepreneurs and the man isn't even 30 yet!  He is a Semester at Sea alum and his goal is to solve problems that are worth caring about in this world. He has found that entrepreneurship is the most powerful tool in his belt that he has to affect change. His organization has teamed up with George Kembel's (founder of Stanford's D School, remember?) entrepreneur class on the ship. This allows the student's in that class to learn about global entrepreneurship by working with the entrepreneurs that he brought on the ship on real problems. Heck, I wish I would have taken that class!

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